Cerdas Cermat on Persadia
Surakarta – Final Quiz on Persadia as a Series of Commemoration of World Diabetes Day, with DR. dr. Sugiarto, Sp.PD-KEMD, FINASIM and Dr. Eva Niamuzisilawati, Sp.PD, M.Kes, FINASIM.
On Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 16.00 a Final of Quiz on the Persian as the World Diabetes Day (WDD) Commemoration Series was held at RRI Solo Studio, this final round was attended by 3 groups of participants consisting of groups: 1. Persadia Grogol Health Center 2. Persensi RSDM 3. Persadia Klaten Islamic Hospital
Where the competition began with the opening hosted by MC Pak Dedi Dan dr. Retno. The event, acting as a judge in the competition was DR. dr. Sugiarto, Sp.PD, KMED, FINASIM, Dr.Eva Niamuzisilawati Sp.PD, MKes, FINASIM and Dr. Erry. Furthermore, the introduction of the group and yel yel led by MSG2 group leader.
Meticulous consists of 3 sessions of questions about mandatory questions, throws and grabs. Champion order this quiz contest is: 1. 1st Place in PersDM RSDM 2. 2nd Place in Persadia Rs Islam Klaten 3. 3rd Place in the Persadia Puskesmas Grogol The event was closed by symbolically distributing prizes and group photos.