Temu Ilmiah Reumatologi dan Geriatri (T-Reg) 2018

The Scientific Geriatric Rheumatology Meeting (T-Reg) 2018 is a scientific activity held annually. The T-Reg program material is a symposium on medical problems that is currently being discussed in the field of rheumatology and geriatrics.

The Geriatric Rheumatology Scientific Meeting (T-Reg) 2018 was held in the city of Surakarta, Central Java on November 24-25 in 2018. The T-Reg 2018 carries the theme: “Increasing the Role of Doctors to Achieve Quality and Professional Health Services in the Field of Rheumatism and Geriatrics ” We believe in a variety of scientific material that is very up to date and very applicable, as well as the holding of events in the city of Solo, which is a city with a variety of tourism and culinary advantages so we hope that it will attract the interest of colleagues to attend.

On behalf of the committee we invite all parties to participate and play an active role in both the scientific and organizational aspects of the Geriatric Rheumatology Scientific Meeting (T-Reg) 2018

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