Alergi Imunologi Klinik PAPDI Cabang Surakarta in collaboration with Fetomaternal POGI Cabang Surakartahas held the first FemAle Mini Symposium (Fetomaternal Allergy Immunology) at Harris Hotel, March 2nd 2019. The symposium was attended by 90 participants consisting of general practitioners, obsgyn doctors, and internists. The mini symposium is also broadcast live through Instagram RS. Dr. Moewardi and Alergi_imunologi_internis_solo.
At this event, Dr. M. Andrianes Bachnas, Sp.OG (K) FM emphasized the important role of vitamin D for pregnancy and fetal development, in the material “New Paradigm of Vitamin D Supplementation in Pregnancy”. Next in the material session “Vitamin D and Autoimmune Myth or Fact?” Agus Joko Susanto, Sp.PD-KAI, FINASIM said that vitamin D deficiency found in patients with autoimmune diseases.
The mini symposium was moderated by Dr. Yongki Warigit DA, Sp.PD, M.Kes which also enlivened the event by singing 2 songs in the entertainment session.